Persuasive Writing Techniques

What is our brief as trainers?

Why do we bother?

How can we be successful and work with engaged and enthusiastic learners?

Let’s change the question.

Do you want to convince your learners to do something or do it better?

So, let’s talk about selling ideas.

Using persuasive writing to achieve your purposes.

We all know how easy it is to get distracted these days and you want your teachings to stand out and reach the audience you’re aiming to serve.

What is persuasive writing?
Persuasive writing is generally an exercise in creating a win-win situation.  You present a case that others find beneficial to agree with . . .

You could say that’s a definition of training.

The following is a list of techniques used by copywriters to be persuasive.

  1.  Repetition

Any one who’s familiar will tell you that repetition is crucial. It’s also critical in persuasive writing, since a person can’t agree with you if they don’t truly get what you’re writing.

You can make your point in several different ways, such as:

  • A direct statement
  • An example
  • A story

2. Reasons why

Always remember the power of the word because.

Psychological studies have shown that people are more likely to comply with a request if you simply give them a reason why . . . even if that reason makes no sense.

When you want learners to be receptive to your way of thinking, always give reasons why.

3. Comparisons

Metaphors, similes and analogies, are the persuasive writer’s best friends.

When you can relate a scenario to something the learner already accepts as true, you’re well on your way to convincing someone to see things your way.

But comparisons work in other ways too.  Sometimes you can be more persuasive by comparing apples to oranges (to use an overused metaphor).

4. Consistency

It has been called the “hobgoblin of little minds” but consistency in our thoughts and actions is a valued social trait.

We don’t want to “flip flop” in our presentation, because that characteristic is associated with instability and flightiness, while consistency is associated with integrity and rational behaviour.

Use this in your persuasive writing by getting the learner to agree with something up front that most people would have a hard time disagreeing with . . .

Then rigorously make your case, with plenty of supporting evidence, all while relating your ultimate learning point back to the opening scenario that’s already been accepted.

5. Storytelling

The reason storytelling works so well lies at the heart of what persuasion really is . . .

Stories allow learners to persuade themselves, and that’s what it’s really all about.  You might say that we never convince anyone of anything . . . we simply help others independently decide that our message is best.

Do everything you can to tell better stories, and you’ll find that you’re a terribly persuasive writer and a better trainer.

Persuasive writing will work for you.

What if you could write in a way that automatically engaged your learners?

Writing for learning is not about trickery, manipulation, or even trying to convince people.  Great learning is about storytelling, empathy, relatability and service.

Swimming upstream is hard . . . using Modlettes is swimming downstream.