Lack of motivation is a major challenge with eLearning, particularly compliance training. Many learners, unlike Daniela, do not complete courses and leave midway. Most learners do want to learn to do better in their jobs.
The problem may not be with the learner, it may well be the course itself that is guilty.
It may be too difficult or too boring.
Here are some thinking points to help you on the way to exciting engaging online training.
- Make your Modlette intuitive, with easy navigation
Navigation should help learners find their way easily through their learning experience.
The navigation function should allow the learner to start, exit, move forward or backward, and return to the main menu when needed. We have made this very simple in Modlettes.
2. Keep it simple
If the course looks too busy – lots of graphics, images, animations and text vying for space . . . this is off-putting.
3. Set clear learning objectives
Learning objectives inform the learner what they will be able to DO at the end of the eLearning. Don’t try to cover every little bit, or make your objectives too complicated. Pretend you are talking to them. “At the end of this session you will know what actions to take with a complaining customer and what to say.”
4. Connect with your learners
Use video snippets showing people they know or recognise during the course. If used at the beginning the person can give a brief description of what the session is going to be and how it is relevant to their workplace.
5. Leverage your branding in courses
Consistent branding across your courses will make Daniela connect with the content. Familiarity is comforting and it helps develop trust in learners. The Modlettes format makes it easier to do this.
Things you can do:
(a) Create a style guide
(b) Consider your global audience
(c) Don’t use too many colours and fonts.
6. Make your eLearning interactive
Interactivities are great student motivators. Interactivities can include scenarios, stories, games, that will boost engagement.
7. Add assessments
eLearning assessments can be task-based situations, problem-solving case studies, open-ended questions.
These are all good ways of keeping learners interested and motivated, as well as assessing both learner and course.
We hope you found these seven thoughts useful while designing your Modlette courses. All of these thoughts are easy to apply using the Modlette’s eLearning platform at Why Scenarios – Modlettes