The Mobile Mindset for Learning

modlettes on a mobile phone

When was the last time you used a mobile phone? You may well be reading this on your mobile phone.  How we access information has changed dramatically over the last few years.  For us to stay relevant, trainers need to adopt a mobile mindset.

From the original concept of the Modlettes system we have been aware of the potential of cell phones in learning.  Our system is designed to be compatible with most popular makes and systems.

Here are some key tactics for getting the most from your mobile strategy for learning and performance improvement.

  • Mobile-first mindset.  Make mobile usage your first consideration in content planning, not just as a way to retrofit old course content to a new platform.  Design your training programmes to be delivered on a mobile device from the outset.
  • Take this opportunity to cull your programmes.  Focus on what you want the team member to accomplish, keeping the core elements to the fore at all times.  This will help you to prioritise what information you need to present.  Be sure to present the “need to know” information.
  • Space is key.    Keep in mind the limited screen size when writing for these devices.  To do this you need to reduce sentence size and be more relevant and succinct.
  • Think bite-sized content.  Rather than taking a 60-minute module and simply moving it into a mobile display, consider breaking it up into smaller, more bite sized pieces.  At Modlettes we work towards a Modlette length of 20 minutes.  This is based on the research on concentration made by the TED Talks team.
  • Consider readability.  This might include adequately large text sizes, or shorter sentences and paragraphs (See blog on Writing for eLearning – Modlettes