New Year Resolutions . . . What the Hell!


New Year Resolutions . . . What the Hell!


The nature of training shows there’s always room to improve, and the New Year is an ideal time to look forward to exploring new opportunities through your training programmes.


There are exciting opportunities to try new methods, investing in new content or technology, or any other diverse ways, the opportunities to improve are readily available.


Here are some potential New Year resolutions for making training part of your 2017 quest for success.


Get Leadership to take on-line training on board

The evidence points to how training can affect productivity, engagement and reduce staff turnover.  So, leadership needs to understand the importance of staff training to the overall performance of the company.

Go on-line

On-line training content is more impactful and engaging than ever, and significantly more budget friendly than classroom training.

Your people are your most valuable asset, and top talent, especially amongst millennials is attracted to opportunities for “techie” methods for ongoing development.

Match training methods to modern learning needs

77% of U.S. companies offer online corporate training.

As society is becoming increasingly more dependent on mobile devices their contribution to online training is increasing accordingly.  Video has emerged as a top training method because it can be delivered to a widely-spread workforce and fit into employees’ busy schedules.

Micro learning, “bursts’ of training are the most effective way to keep learners engaged.  Micro learning doesn’t require long hours and cause information overload.

Improve coaching skills for managers

Line managers’ time is often stressed to the limit.  To improve coaching skills, they need organisational support that prioritises it.

Research by Bersin and Associates shows that organisations that prepare managers to coach their teams have 130% strong business results.  Coaching is a process-driven relationship with a clear objective to help improve performance.

Whether a manager is a coaching natural or not, these skills can be learned and continually improved on.

Increase ROI with post-training reinforcement

The Forgetting Curve, developed in 1885 by Hermann Ebbinghause, shows that 70% of what people learn is forgotten within 24 hours, and 90% is forgotten within 30 days.

Using learning reinforcement gives longevity to training.  Without strategic follow-up, the curve will kill your content.

Providing opportunities for easy retrieval prompts the brain to remember information and commit it to long-term memory.

Helping learners to move training content to long-term memory and apply on the job is where the real value of your training becomes apparent.

Reinforcement can be in the form of tests, quizzes, polls, surveys, short answer and reflection questions.

There is a strategy to timing the delivery of these retrieval opportunities.  Spacing them out helps the brain shift the information it learned over to long-term memory.


These resolutions aren’t ones that should stay nice to have, but should be pursued to get increased productivity, engagement and reduce staff turnover.

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