Do you Ration Your Passion in Your Writing for Learning?

What happens when you listen to a passionate speaker? Was their enthusiasm contagious?

Passionate speakers use emotion to engage us as listeners.  We notice their excitement in their body language.  We hear their eagerness, their spirit, their fire in their voice.

Passionate communicators are fascinating.  They create an intense focus in their words.

We go to a conference and if there is a great keynote speaker there is always a buzz amongst the attendees after she has spoken.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could do the same with our written learning content?

If we could get our learners hanging on our words because they feel our passion?

If we could inspire our learners with our enthusiasm so they take their learning into the workplace with enthusiasm

But how?

How to let your passion shine brightly.

Over the last few weeks, I have been returning to Sir Ken Robinson’s controversial book “Out of Our Minds”.  The author is critical about today’s schools and their curricula and his passion shows through in the following passage:

“These are not trivial matters.  Our own times are being swept along on an avalanche of changes.  To keep pace with these changes, we will need all our wits about us.  It is often said that education and training are the keys to the future.  They are but a key that can be turned in two directions.”

He concludes his book with the following . . .

To realise our true creative potential . . . in our organisations and in our communities . . . we need to think differently about ourselves and to act differently towards each other.  We must learn to be creative.”

After reading his writing I feel that I want to do something.  To be a creative contributor.  He is truly inspiring.

Why Training Content Lacks Passion

In writing for learning our statements so often remain generic:

  • We’ll cover your project from start to finish.
  • I’m passionate about your results

These generic statements are devoid of passion.  They lack enthusiasm.

To infuse your content with passion and get learners inspired and fascinated by your training content, you must dive deeper and share details of what you are trying to achieve:

  • How you on-board new hires
  • How you work as a team
  • How you deal with dissatisfied Customers
  • How you ensure good results
  • Your whole process.

Here’s a passage I wrote for a debt collection programme:

“When you’re talking on a telephone it’s not easy to express empathy.  You’re talking to a debtor who is embarrassed because you’ve had to ring her.  She doesn’t really want to be part of this conversation.  She doesn’t have the money to pay you.  When you say “I understand” you make the situation worse as she is nearly in tears and knows you don’t really understand.  Better to say “I appreciate” or “I realise”.”

Details add emotion and passion to your content, and details also boosts your credibility.  They make you sound like you really know.

Passion is your advantage

Some trainers struggle with showing their passion.  Because a lot of their learners often don’t care.

But if you are a true believer, you have a great advantage.  You know what you love doing.  Your know your process inside out.

You’re passionate about your subject.

And that enthusiasm, my friend, is contagious.

So let your passion fire up your words.