Create Your Own Online Course – 5

There are a number of players necessary to create a successful online course.  In the Modlette’s system the following players have their own functions:

Channel Owner:

  • Signs up for a trial on one of four plans
  • Sets up the name of the channel and the logo
  • Assigns Administrators or assumes the role him/her self.


  • Adds and activates Users
  • Can create Modlettes like an Author
  • Has authority to approve Modlettes from other Authors
  • Can send notifications to Authors if a Modlette is not approved
  • Can create groups of Users
  • Can assign Modlettes to a User or Group of Users


  • Are assigned Modlettes to complete
  • A User logs on using the email address they have provided to the Administrator and create a unique password.

So, as you can see, the Author creates the Modlette, and Administrator assigns it and the User becomes the learner.  Modlettes can be assigned to an individual, every User or a specific group.  Users can be added or deleted at any time.

The eBook “What can Modlettes do for you?”  (Blog – Modlettes)  provides clear outlines of how Modlettes can be used for just-in-time training.

Learning design with Modlettes is easy . . . we’ve already done the hard yards