Create Your Own Online Course 3

Creating Course Content

How often do you start out on a journey without knowing your destination?

So you wouldn’t expect your learners to start your Modlette without knowing what they were going to learn.  So you need to write a compelling learning outcome for your course and its Modlettes.

These outcomes or objectives serve three criterea:

  1. They help you shape your material and keep you on track with your design
  2. They alert the learner to goals to be reached
  3. They sharpen the learner’s appetite to get into the Modlette.

Most importantly the course objectives will tell the learners what they will be able to do as a result of the course or what additional knowledge they will have.

You can use this format:   We help X  to Y by Z

Your learning objectives are completely dependent on the kind of online course you’re going to teach.

Some examples:

  1. By the end of the story-telling module, students should identify the rising action, climax, and falling action on a diagram
  2. By the end of the sales presentation students will be able to write a pitch to potential Customers
  3. This Modlette will help you pitch to a Customer in a way that they become excited about your product or service.

Which of these made you feel you wanted to do the Modlette?

Writing learning objectives is an important step because you can align your course material to them.  Thus you can use them in your sales copy, course description etc.

Choose a Catchy Name for Your Course

Now it’s time to choose a name for your online course. Learners have the final power to continue your course or not, often by only reading the headline.

  • Good headlines grab attention and make people curious to learn more.
  • Good headlines suggest you offer the information people are looking for.

1st February Here’s the objectives for a blog writing course: You’ll learn how to:

  • Engage readers more strongly
  • Shape and sharpen blog post ideas
  • Make each blog post more focussed
  • Ignite your creativity
  • Make your writing lean and lively.

This course also helps you adopt a more playful attitude to writing so you become more creative, have more fun, and feel prouder of your writing.

Doesn’t this make you feel you’d like to pay $117 for Henneke Duistermoat’s blog writing course if you want to improve your writing.

Now that you know the importance of great headlines to get your learners’ excited we need to create content that keeps them engaged and learning through to meeting the objectives. 

Nothing worth having comes easily . . . except Modlettes