I’ve deviated a little from the scenario theme today in answer to a question from a reader “How do I do my best writing when I’m bored and losing confidence in what I’m doing?”
Here we go …
Does writing for eLearning sometimes feel like a challenge?
Like you’ve got to produce a never-ending stream of content?
Sooo how do we stay sane?
I’d like to offer a different perspective to making your eLearning courses inspired. A more sustainable way that gives you joy and energy.
This perspective will invigorate your learners and help make your courses popular and effective.
How to do your best writing
The standard instructional design advice is to write for your learner.
Help your learner achieve their aims, solve their problems and answer their questions.
But that’s not enough…
Because if you only share subject tips, then your writing can be easily exchanged for anyone else’s writing. You’re not building a strong relationship with your learner.
So, what to do?
Don’t just write for your learner, write for yourself too.
Don’t just write about what you know, write about what you want to learn, too.
Follow your curiosity and write about what you’re discovering, what matters to you, what makes you excited to write. Your enthusiasm breathes life into your words, and your learners will notice. A spark transfers from you as a trainer to your learners.
YOU and your enthusiasm for the secret ingredient in your best writing.
And you know what?
When you do your best writing you connect more strongly with your audience of learners.
And when you connect more strongly, you can let go of that punishing schedule of having to produce more and more boring training.
Focus on quality, on real connections, on real conversations, that keeps you connected to the joy of creating.