Writing for eLearning

How to Use Tiny Ideas for Easy Learning

As we know, tiny ideas are great because they give learners actionable advice.

Instead of making learners feel overwhelmed by a long list of learning points, you give them one key learning point plus detailed guidance and examples of how to implement this point.

Map out your tiny ideas

Questions are a useful tool for mapping out a Modlette.  Consider the questions that the training will answer, but also think about the questions your ideal learner would ask about this subject.

The following questions may help you generate some ideas…

  • What’s the difference with (something else)?
  • What does science say about this?
  • What are the most common mistakes to avoid?

Questions are often the most useful tool for mapping out a microlearning Modlette.  So, a Modlette about a tiny idea can be a series of answers on tiny questions, but you can also turn it into a collection of examples or other useful resources.

To write a cohesive, helpful Modlette remember that the resources or answers to tiny questions together help transform your learner’s life.  Don’t lose sight of how your Modlette will help your learner reach an aim or solve a problem (their happy destination).

Add substance to your main idea

Examples, data, and quotes are all ways to add substance to your tiny idea.  Examples are often your biggest help in turning your tiny main idea into a valuable training Modlette.

And, if you let your idea percolate for a while, you can use this time to collect examples, data, and quotes for inclusion in your Modlette.