We have researched the delivery of online training for two years and come to the conclusion that companies have the following challenges today:
- Those needing to train can no longer afford to have their learners away from the workplace for long periods of time sitting in a classroom.
- The LMS is no longer meeting the needs it was designed for and replacements are expensive
- Many of today’s learners in the workplace are now millennials whose learning style is very different to classical models
- There is a need to get just-in-time information quickly into the hands of learners
- The mobile tsunami has created new and exciting mediums.
As a result, we need a product that meets these needs. Modlettes is a platform that enables Customers to create their own training programmes using the tools they have on their own devices, and make these available to learners on multiple devices at a very affordable price.
Please check out modlettes at www.modlettes.com, take the free trial and send us your comments in this group.