Summary of Survey on Learning Technology


Brandon Hall Group has just released the findings of their 2016 Learning Technology Survey; some key points of interest to everybody in the L&D field.

  • 48% of organisations surveyed listed new technologies as the top Learning & Development priority over the next twelve months
  • One of the top targets to technology exploration was module delivery (41% of respondents).
  • Satisfaction with current learning technology is low . . . the highest score equates to a C . . . . and the biggest reasons for considering a technology change is user experience and administrative experience.
  • Despite its shortcomings, learning technology has a strong correlation to improved KPI’s, such as revenue, productivity, engagement, costs and turnover. Investment in technology is strong and forecasted to increase
  • The number three priority is creating a stronger link between learning and both individual and organisational performance.


User Experience is Critical

The report went on to discuss user experience.  About 44% of companies are actively considering replacing the current LMS solution.  This number is up 15% from 2015 so what is driving companies to change?  An overwhelming 87% indicate it is the need for an improved user experience.

The second most common reason is the need for an improved administrative experience (74%).  Ease of user has always been near the top of drivers for change, but never with such authority.

It seems to be common sense that a system should be easy to use, but the stark reality is that many learning software applications are anything but.  User experience (UX) is critical in learning as this software is often the first interaction an employee has with the organisation.  A bad UX equal a poor engagement that can be difficult to turn around.

To put into perspective just how important UX is, 43% of companies say that an intuitive, user centric interface is essential when buying new learning technology, and 40% say it is critical to their business.


How Do Modlettes Measure Up to These Findings?

  • Modlettes are designed to deliver to all mobile devices
  • The modlette system is not an LMS but has been designed to collect required data in a simple manner
  • The modlette system is structured to deliver short impactful just-in-time or just-when-you-need it learning in a simple step by step manner
  • The user experience (UX) is greatly improved by the number (6) of different medium for learning delivery. These can be used to enhance engagement and prevent boredom
  • Modlettes has many advantages over the usual LMS, which includes ease of production of the learning event. All mediums are already housed on a standard laptop, making design easy and something that can be done by any subject savvy designer.
  • The price you pay for today’s LMS would keep you subscribed to modlettes for 8 years with upgrades and by then your purchased LMS would be out of date!
  • Modlettes meets and surpasses the key findings from the Brandon Hall, Learning Technology Study (n-302) conducted early this year.