Finding the Flow

Vickie goes through her new modlette once more.  She changes a word here and there in her written narrative. Corrects a typo  

And then strengthens her call to action. It’s done.  Ready for the learners. She’s really happy with it. She wishes all her modlettes would complete so easily.  

The feeling of being fully present and at ease in her skin.  The contentedness, the focus, the flow.  

How can she get this feeling of being in the flow more often?

After many years of yacht racing I remember the feeling of being in a good position in a race.  I was relaxed on the helm, the boat was perfectly trimmed and the crew were poised ready to make adjustments if necessary.  

When we achieved this state someone in the crew would yell, “We’re in the flow”, and it felt so relaxed but so “in-motion”.  

Linking my thoughts to the well trimmed flow:

  • I stop doubting my work.  I stop worrying how readers might react.  I don’t think about the training’s sponsor that I might be working for.  That’s detachment.
  • I focus on doing my best work, improving a draft step by step (like trimming the yacht).  I think about the learner and how my words may come across but only because I want to make this better.  I’m intensely focused on the task in front of me.  

Getting in a flow creates a sense of belonging … I’m no longer questioning my commitment.  

When I’m in a flow, I feel an ease of being.  I’m not fighting the words (or the boat); I’m at one with the words.  I’m patient, and I feel connected to myself to the learner, to the world, to the idea I’m working on.  

There is a quietude.  My inner critic is silenced.  It makes my work better, and writing a learning narrative becomes a pleasant and fulfilling experience.