Closing Option, “Give a Pep Talk”

Sometimes we ask the near impossible of our learners. 

Because a big obstacle sabotages their efforts to implement our training.  Obstacles like self-doubt, feeling overwhelmed, or being totally stressed out.

The paragraph below is one I wrote for new sales people.  It gives them a pep talk to overcome their self-doubt.

Quit doubting yourself:

”You may feel overwhelmed or shy.You may be intimidated by longer serving sales staff or belligerent customers.But remember, everyone starts sometime and often experiences zero success. 

You may doubt your ability to make early sales.  Even lack confidence to ask for the order.That’s normal.

Even people like your company’s top sales people feel a touch of uncertainty at times.Nobody is perfect. 

Nobody knows everything.And nobody has the perfect recipe for every sales presentation.We all stumble around from time to time.

So pick up the courage to get started.And keep looking for better ways.You can do it.

As a training designer, you position yourself as a voice of authority. But the problem with authority is that it creates a distance between you and your learners.  Your learners might think … she can do it, she’s an authority.  But I can’t.  I’m not smart enough.  

This is when you can offer comfort and a sense of connection … tell learners they’re not alone and that you’ve had the same doubts:

The magic of writing good eLearning:

When I started designing eLearning, I was all about layout and media.  I didn’t think of myself as a writer.  I doubted my skills.  I didn’t realise the importance of the way to get the message across with the written word. 

But every time I had to put narrative into a modlette. I learned more about writing.  I got feedback from colleagues.  I followed my curiosity.  I discovered what I have a passion for, and importantly I learned what resonated with my audience.  You might think you don’t have enough to share.  Or you might doubt your writing skills. 

This is what I’d like to tell you:

You’re unique.  You have unique experiences.  And you’ll discover your voice and your passions when you write more.  Writing brings clarity, deepens your understanding, and strengthens your ideas.So, commit to writing.  To creating valuable content.  To being helpful to your readers.

Start making ripples. That’s how learning and change begins.

A good trainer understands the beauty of language, and how to use words for maximum impact, whether online or in the classroom.  

But the real beauty and the real power comes from within… A willingness to help, to be honest and generous.  A spirited drive to share your ideas and your knowledge.   A real sense of human connection.  

The real beauty of writing comes from a deep understanding of your learners, and a desire to spark change, no matter how tiny.  

Empower your learners

Be good.

Human content wins.  

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