Why Your Company Should Be Considering Mobile Learning in 2020

Corporates and SME’s that priortise training and development experience growth in employee engagement,   Customer acquisition, market strengths, talent attraction, Customer satisfaction and more.  Good training policies can reduce and prevent:

  • Disengaged workforce
  • High employee turnover
  • Brand inconsistency

Lack of training and poor communication emerge in many surveys as the cause of migration away from companies.  And, the opportunity to learn is fast becoming a major reason why young people take jobs.  The majority of surveyed learning leaders say that the skills required today are continuously evolving.  So, if you want to grow your market in your business today you must study future trends in training and development.  As you will see, mobile learning is the future.


Why mobile learning’s decade will be the 2020’s

Individual Training:  The days for one-size-fits-all training are well over.  Employees are now asking for training to suit their specific needs because long generalised courses do not meet their expectations.

Today’s learners are focusing on their own experiences, technical fluency and work place for improvement instead of competing with their peers in a classroom.  A successful training programme should therefore be individualised and presented on an appropriate platform that offers a wide range of training for your employees to choose from.

Self-Paced Learning:  As well as personalised training employees must be able to learn at their own pace and when they have the time and inclination.  Studies show that employees who engage in self-paced learning tend to retain and recall information more than those who don’t.  Mobile learning is ideal for self-paced learning.

Microlearning:A major challenge in busy companies who want to develop their talent is getting employees to make time to switch into learning mode.  Most don’t have the luxury of sitting down to complete a one-hour course on-line.  Microlearning will remain a successful aspect of workplace learning.  All employees get the information required to address an existing problem and improve their skills at “time of need”.

Supporting Data:  Analysing data is a part of the training world today.  Therefore, you need a learning platform that supplies adequate data to track employee’s performance with the learning provided.  Many of today’s LMS were created with complex data collection systems that became unwieldy.  When choosing a learning platform look for one that provides only what’s necessary.


Today’s companies must adapt their learning and development strategies to satisfy current workforce expectations.  Conventional learning can only go so far in meeting these expectations.  By aligning the new landscape of mobile learning with business objectives, even small companies will be able to sustain good business growth.

Note:  www.modlettes.com uses only the following:

User statistics:  learning Modlettes assigned by learner, completed Modlettes, Modlettes in progress, favourite Modlettes, which step of the Modlette the user was stuck on.  Our research showed that these were what most channel owners wanted.


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