Top 2017 Workplace Learning Trends


The following trends are selected from the LinkedIn 2017 Workplace Learning Report which includes insights from 500 L&D professionals across the US and Canada.


  1. Organisations are investing more in talent development

69% of L&D professionals say that talent is the number one priority in their organisations, and over one-quarter are expecting a budget increase in 2017 for L&D programmes.


  1. L&D is a highly varied function, from structure to top objectives

Two-thirds of L&D professionals say L&D is centralised within their organisation, while one-half says L&D is decentralised across HR, Business Operations, IT, Customer Service, Sales, Marketing, Engineering and Finance.  Objectives also vary.  L&D professionals at smaller organisations are more likely to train on technical skills, while those at larger companies say career development and soft skills are more important.


  1. Developing Employees is important to executives, but demonstrating business value proves challenging.

80% of L&D professionals agree that developing employees is top-of-mind for the executive team.  Yet L&D professionals are challenged with limited budgets, small teams, and a gap in demonstrating return on investment.  To tackle these challenges L&D must demonstrate business impact.


  1. Proving value to learners is equally important, and proves to be equally challenging.

Half of L&D professionals are challenged to get employees to make time for L&D with the influx of technology in the workplace modern learners are demanding more modern formats for learning.  Yet our data shows the number one method for training today is still through an in-person classroom setting.


  1. L&D professionals see room for improvement in their own programmes

L&D professionals are a critical bunch.  Our data show less than a quarter are willing to recommend their program to peers.  Perhaps connected to this is the fact that only 60% said L&D leaders have a seat at the table with their senior management.  To earn executive support, L&D must tackle top challenges and demonstrate value in 2017.


  1. In answer to the question, “What are the main objectives of your company’s L&D strategy,”
  • Develop managers and leaders
  • Help employees develop technical skills
  • Train all employees globally in one cohesive way
  • Support career development for employees.

Over half of L&D professionals say developing managers and leaders is the No.1 objective for their organisations.  As such, skills like coaching and leadership communication take the top spot on the list of skills training that L&D professionals are providing their organisations.


  1. The average shelf life of skills is less than five years

Today’s modern learners must always be learning.  In fact, they demand it.  Learning is taking place through a wide variety of sources and devices.

With the influx of technology, people today are embracing digital tools to access content that helps them learn on the job and on the go.

But organisations are still heavily investing in classroom-style training.

When modern learners engage:

  • 52% at the point of need (JIT)
  • 47% in the evenings and weekends
  • 42% at their office desk
  • 30% when alerted to updates
  • 27% on the way to and from work