The 5 Creative Principles that Helped Build Modlettes

At Modlettes we pride ourselves on being creative, that is thinking of better ways to do things or simpler ways to do things.  That’s how Modlettes got started!

However, to some people the word “creativity” often conjures up thoughts of the artist at work – a painter splashing colour on a canvas or a writer drafting the next great novel, These images do represent a certain kind of creativity, but they can also be limiting.


Author James Clear  describes creativity as follows, “The creative process is the act of making new connections between old ideas or recognising relationships between concepts”.  This definition opens the process to everyone.  Research shows there’s a gap between the value we place on creativity and how we’re flexing our creative muscles.

When we started Modlettes in 2014, we realised we were stepping right outside the current training sphere.  We wanted to make it possible for anybody to design their own training and make the process so easy that it wouldn’t need the complex skills of instructional designers.  We have morphed into a much larger project without losing our desire for simplicity.  Here’s some of the steps we took the following our creative habits:


  1. We started small

You can’t write a book in one sitting, but you can write a page at a time. When you try to tackle a gigantic task at once You are like to procrastinate if scared of failing

When you focus in on a single, palatable task, it becomes easier to push past the mental and emotional discomfort.  Over time, small steps add up to produce dramatic results.


  1. We applied constraints

We had to overcome the requirement to satisfy everybody with everything.  When Random House founder Bennet Cerf bet one of his authors, Theo Geisel, that he couldn’t write a children’s book with just 50 different words, the man (better known as Dr Seuss) won the wager with Green Eggs and Ham.

Putting limits to encourage creativity might sound counterintuitive.  But the thing is constraints encourage More divergent thinking and you can leverage built-in limits or apply them to the project at hand.


  1. Let ourselves daydream

Almost everyone has had a flash of insight while showering, walking the dog, or lying awake in early morning.  The mind wanders while soaking or lie in a warm bed, as studies show, your brain is more likely to generate creative solutions when it’s free.

In today’s productivity-obsessed culture, day-dreaming sounds like blasphemy.  However, spending 10 minutes walking or gazing out the window is more likely to inspire innovation than scrolling through social media.


  1. We weren’t afraid to look elsewhere for inspiration

Analogies – including metaphors, similes, and even fairy tales – help our brains navigate new territory.  For example, Steve Jobs was a master of metaphors who introduced now-basic analogies, including the computer “desktop”, “folders”, and “documents”.

Comparing seemingly unconnected ideas can deepen understanding and spark creativity.  Whenever you’re stuck, try to find a useful parallel in a different industry, activity or even in nature.


  1. We cultivated trust in our team’s ability

More than any other factor, I believe trust expands creativity.  You have to trust that you can innovate; that you’ll find a solution and have the tools you need.  Leaders also need to trust their teams.  The more you believe in their creative potentialthe more likely they are to dig deep and deliver something that will probably surprise you.



The development of Modlettes to its current state has been the result of always thinking creatively of ways to improve and also by listening to our Customers who have found new ways of using the Modlette platform.