Make Your eLearning Awesome

The average learner has around 20 minutes to concentrate on learning.  Any longer requires enforced concentration.  So, a really important aspect of what makes effective eLearning is that it respects its audience and makes good use of this time.  After all, eLearning effectiveness is measured on whether it makes a difference to a person’s behaviour or performance habits.  It needs to drive change.


5 Essential Ingredients


(1)    Modlettes should provide a solution that totally meets the specific performance needs of  individuals in their context.

It should not be a one-size-fits-all or a “top down” approach to learning.

Modern workplace learners want personalised, quality learning content.

Engaging learning hits home in 7 seconds.

Learners give content just 7 seconds to decide if it’s for them or not.

Successful eLearning focusses on specific help and actions individuals need to take to improve, provides help in moments of need (J.I.T) and/or provides a targeted learning experience fit for the audience and their profiles.


(2)    Engaging

Content and experiences that connect with audiences and motivate them to do something.  What learners don’t want is online manuals, technical jargon, passive experiences, indirect communications, click-through content.

Engagement comes from:

  • Being really useful – the simple fact that something is really useful to someone gives them additional motivation to use it.
  • Emotional connection – having an emotional connection with content through total learning experiences, great storytelling and so on, that connects hearts as well as heads.
  • Participation – reflection, trying, practicing, failing, discussing, doing. Active learning and practice are the building blocks of effective learning.  They engage by involvement

Engagement is NOT the same as click or interacting with a screen.


(3)     Available on demand

Content and help are available when users want it, wherever they are, and that’s easy to find.  Not content that’s hidden in long courses, or behind complex menus.

Modern learners learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Where people learn:

  • 56% at the point of need
  • 48% in the evenings and weekends
  • 41% at their desk
  • 30% during breaks and at lunch
  • 28% on way to or from workplace

Great eLearning is super easy to use on any device.


(4)    Integrates with workflow

Content and help that can be easily looked up and referred to while applying it.  Not content that is designed for people who have an imaginary two hours to sit and learn

The vast majority (93%) of workplace learners prefer learning on the job.

This means learning through doing, trying, observing and discussing.

Effective eLearning shouldn’t take one form, but open itself up to be job aids, videos, and content that promotes and encourages action, collaboration and discussion in various “moments” of time.

 Engaging learning needs to be usable and helpful in the flow of work.


(5)     Bite-sized

Uses people’s time wisely, is no longer than it needs to be, allows people to do something in-between.  Good eLearning is not a scatter gun of disconnected pieces, just “info” without any support.