Just-in-time Training with Modlettes

Just-in-time training replaces the old school classroom model in favour of a custom-made approach that leaves your team with new and greater skills and knowledge.

We explore four ways in which you can use your Modlettes to help maximise your staff’s efficiency and overall job performance.



No longer do companies use orientation sessions where new hires are lectured to and leave these sessions with a lot of rules and don’t do’s.  To say nothing of the paper work that they take away which covers the company legally.  Now you can offer, through Modlettes, the ability to onboard from any device.  Just-in-time training offers options compatible with mobile phones, tablets, laptops or desk top computers.  You can use this to onboard your new hires more quickly instead of sitting down for a lesson employees can now learn by doing.  Using just-in-time learning in conjunction with microlearning, employees can watch a short video on new skills needed and put these new skills into practice straight away.


Compliance Training

New team members aren’t the only ones that can benefit from a new flexible training format.  Trying to get your whole staff to take mandated compliance training at the same time can be a major problem, especially if they are geographically dispersed.  With just-in-time training your staff can keep up to date with new compliance training at their own convenience.  The Modlettes question system enables you to test their understanding and record their training for legal reasons.


On the Job Customer Service Questions

Picture a busy period coming up, this is a good time to expose your team to the many questions about services or products that they could be faced with.  The manager is not always available to ask, so access to the appropriate Modlette can give them the opportunity to understand and answer Customers’ questions.  Using Modlettes empowers your employees to seek answers themselves, it improves their decision-making ability by giving them request demand access to information they need to succeed in their jobs.


Build a Knowledge Centre

Even if you have a thorough on-boarding and training process your team (particularly your sales team) may need a refresher course on certain aspects of their job performance from time to time.  Modlettes just-in-time training allows your team access to company standard operation procedures.  You can create a knowledge centre with every piece of information your team members need to perform in their roles.  Removing the pressure to memorise every single action allows your team to relax, yet feel confident in their jobs.  They can relax and focus on providing excellent Customer Service and know they have information resources to fall back on if they need to.


Just-in-time training will make your company more efficient by offering flexible training and job guidance options for your staff.


www.modlettes.com to start your knowledge centre now.