Help Your Reps to Help Themselves

Over the years I have participated in many different sales conferences, both as a key note speaker and running workshops.  Apart from skills training and motivational sessions the product managers get to deliver a lot of product information.  Both about promotions and new products.  Usually this is in written format and gets carefully placed in brief cases and may never see the light of day again.

So how do we keep the motivation of the sales conference going for the rest of the year?  By providing them with an ongoing exposure to the information they need to do their jobs to the best of their ability.

“The delivery of the right information to the right person at the right time and in the right place”

Sales scripts

Really there’s nothing worse than a salesperson who reads a script line-by-line to a prospect.  On the other hand, you want your sales team to hit the right points of conversation during a sales call.  Create a sales script that is really more like a talking points document.  It gives reps the information they need, but it doesn’t require them to memorise lines like an actor.

Product Information

This is an asset that’s useful for both the sales rep and the prospect.  This information should answer at least some of the following questions:

  • Who is the product for?
  • What does it do?
  • How does it help?
  • How much does it cost?

Having this information readily available and updated that lists the brands core (and obscure) products and services is essential for any initial meeting with a prospect

Competitor comparisons

Sales reps should be aware of what the competition is offering and how their brand differentiates itself.  It’s important to understand why your company is the best.  Summarise this information in an easy-to-view format, and your sales team will increase its odds during a competitive situation.

Using a quiz for simulation

Help your reps to be prepared for any prospect questions or situations that might occur.  Use the Modlettes’ quiz to create a scenario that will test the rep’s ability to provide the best possible answer.  The Modlettes’ quiz has three different formats you can use.  It can be a good idea to have competitions between rep teams


Experienced sales people are one of your greatest assets and the right platform can help you develop a formidable team.  Help yourself to the free eBook.  Help Your Reps Be More Productive”