Choosing Software for Training Out of Office

“When you have a team that permanently operates out-of-office, they have specialised training needs.  Especially if they are new hires.  How can you engage them in their job if you see them so rarely, if ever?”


Many companies have remote workers these days.  Sales reps, solo parents who work from home and even teams who work in remote offices.  How do you select the right software for training your remote employees?


  1.   Make Mobile-Friendly a Top Priority

Often the typical remote worker is based at home and telecommutes, or could be a non-office worker like sales team; delivery people or staff that mostly mingle with clients.  They’re consistently on the move, so they need a training tool that goes with them.  This makes mobile access the single most crucial element in the search for the best software for your out-liers.


  1.   Choose Cloud-Based

Cloud-operated software are log-in services run by external parties (i.e.  These are usually subscription based.  However, you do not need specialist tools and features to enable distant access.  Remote workers can log in from wherever, as long as they have internet access.  They don’t need things customised for their physical location.


  1.   Include Interactive Modules

Passive modes of education or entertain have limited efficacy.  Reading stories or developing interesting quizzes engages the mind, inviting you to build mental images.  Dry and informative text does not.  When training material is dull and drab, spice it up.  Build some kind of active participation to keep learners present.  It could be as basic as competitive quizzing or as complex as branching scenarios.  Moving them from passive to active enhances recall and holds their attention in a field work situation that can be distracting.


  1.   Choose Software That Supports Short, Flexible Lessons

Remote workers don’t always keep regular hours, or any kind of regular schedule.  The nature of their work isn’t built for it, especially in their first few weeks. Every new hire may have a fast-and-lose schedule when they begin.  They haven’t been absorbed into the company culture yet.  Remote workers may take longer to acclimatise.  Keep their training modules short and varied so they can fit them into a busy, amorphous work day.  Its helpful while they adjust to their new work conditions.


  1.   Use the Power of Multimedia

One of the best ways to do this is via mixed training formats.  Audio clips can be consumed in traffic.  Videos can be watched in snatches while waiting for meetings and equipment.  Simulations are a light and informative way to pass time constructively.  Infographics can bring boring chunks of text to life.


  1.   Verify Its JIT Training Features

As your team members, both new and old, require training on-the-go; or a quick pricing calculation including discounts and rebates.  Or advice on closing a particularly stubborn Customer.  Remote workers need this more than anyone because there aren’t always colleagues, they can tap into.


Good training software should have tools and features that cut across a variety of employee segments.  It should effectively induct new hires, orient temporary contractors and offer non-training functionality.  When you’re specifically focused on new hires based outside the office space, what features should you be looking for?  It should be fully usable on mobile and allow social learning modes.  Interactivity is important, as is brevity, multimedia, and easy to use JIT.  New hires have a lot to worry about as they settle in.  Help them do it with speed, efficiency, and ease for the benefit of everyone.


Getting new hires into the culture of your work-place is an essential company undertaking.  How can you be sure to get it right?


Take a free trial at and see how easy it is to get all the above right.